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Come and Free Your Mind With Me

Women, especially Black women, I know the hardships many of you may be facing today. From family drama, to unstable relationships, to your circle of friends, to simply being in a not okay state of mind.

The Hardships

With so much going on today, I already understand your frustration without knowing you or hearing your story. Your lack of energy. Your desire to book a trip and never return. Your willingness to cut everyone off and just stay to yourself. You are not alone.

I am only 24 and when I tell you I've been through hell and back. I mean literally, like I was welcomed into hell and not heaven. Not to make this spiritual, but my life has been fuck. I am a survivor though and so are you. Together, we can overcome any and every hardship. Our struggles do not define us, but make us resilient and hard body. If I can rise above anything, so can you.

Jada Shantrice's Hardships

I lost my dad when I was six. I'm 24 now and the absence of his physical body still hurts me today. Then, the following year, my grandma drowned in Hurricane Katrina. Way to add to the devastation. I grew up in a household with my mom and siblings, until men began to come around. I found it difficult to like those men she had dealings with. Today, I still struggle with the acceptance of her choice in men.

I've been in three relationships, well technically two. Each of them left me traumatized. Like damn, men can really be cruel, heartless, careless, gruesome, all of that. The fact that I gave those men a piece of me and got nothing positive in return hurts. I will dive deeper into each relationship as I blog along the way.

To add to the fuel of growing up without a father, to being treated shitty by men I would have given anything to, my relationship with my sister sucks. We talk every other year. I've grown to be okay with that. It's all about the effort I applied at the end of the day. Over the years I learned you can't be everything to everybody, and that is perfectly fine.

Why Jada Shantrice: The Blog?

I am publishing this blog for the women who know the struggle, but struggles to overcome it. I am publishing this blog for the women who search for themselves in others, but never find what they are seeking. I am publishing this blog for the women who are just too damn afraid to be honest with themselves about what it is they feel. I am publishing this blog for all the strong women out there.

Come and free your mind with me.


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