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Day 28 of Mental Health Awareness Month

It's May 28, 2022, marking the end of mental health awareness month soon. Here are a couple of questions I have for you. How are you? What's been going on? Has anyone told you they're proud of you lately? Have you been kind to yourself? What's been consuming your mind lately?

The Month of May

If you didn't know now you know that May is mental health awareness month. Established in 1949, mental health awareness month is a month dedicated to increasing mental health awareness and celebrating those who have recovered from mental illnesses, which is an incredibly beautiful thing to me. A lot of us are going through things we hesitate to discuss with others. We often feel as if others do not care, they may not give the advice we wish to hear, we fear judgement, and some of us are just too stuck in our heads to open up. I understand on all accounts and I know how overwhelming it can become. In addition to therapy and support groups, there are other resources to help those who suffer from mental illnesses. May is dedicated to reminding those who are not okay mentally that they are not alone and help can be received. It is dedicated to remind those people that you are loved and cared for.

How i've been mentally

It's been a while since I last blogged. A lot has been going on...a wholeee lot! I can honestly say right now, at this moment, I am okay. Over the last couple of months I have been in and out of depression and on top of that I was not practicing healthy habits. Let me tell you, those unhealthy habits did not make anything better. Every time my toxicity level went down, my depression always found its way back. I even went through writer's block. I was not feeling all. To be honest things literally just got better for me. I was praying a lot and switching up my environments, removing anything and anybody who didn't serve me any good. I did a whole lot of self reflecting too. I became extremely overwhelemd with my circumstances. I had to get myself out of that pit. Today, I am healthier mentally and these past couple of months was the confirmation I needed to understand I can conquer anything and can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Suicidal thoughts

This topic is extremely touchy for me being that I attempted suicide once. Suicidal thoughts are no joke and are sometimes difficult to rid and escape from. Before you consider suicide, remind yourself you have a purpose and that God sees you fit for whatever your purpose is, which is why He is keeping you here. DO NOT give the enemy control over your life, no matter how difficult things get. Easier said than done, but we only get one life and it holds so much value. When things are not going how we wish they would go, it's easy to let negative thoughts consume our minds. It's easier to let those thoughts become succumbing. You wonder to yourself a lot when things will get better for you, but the key is to do the inner work. Once you do the inner work, the healing, the self reflecting, the removal of all toxicity from your life, things will improve. I am living proof. Another thing I found helpful is getting up each day with a plan and working to execute it. Focusing my mind on positive things changed the scenario quicker than I expected. I say this to say suicidal thoughts are more common than you might think and just because someone looks okay does not necessarily mean they are. Although we are nearing the end of mental health awareness month, your mental health should be observed. Practice being kinder to yourself and thinking more positive things about yourself. Tell yourself these things, I am important, I am loved, I am worthy, I am beautiful. You are all of those things and then some. So before you consider suicide, remember those things and remind yourself those things often.

If you or anyone you know are considering suicide call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255.


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