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Telling People You're Good but Deep Down Inside You Really Ain't?

Let's be honest, people don't care about what it is you're going through. You might hire a therapist in hopes of being understood. You might pray to God differently hoping your prayers are finally answered. All in all, you have to pretend like you're fine when you're around others, and that shit becomes draining after a while. Or you probably feel like a burden if you spill your problems onto others.

Telling people you're good but deep down inside you know damn well you aren't? Join the club.

Being Secretive About the Hurt You're Feeling

Over time I realized everyone isn't genuine. There are people you think care about you and your problems, but in reality, they don't. Those kinds of people are people who are messy and just want the scope on your life. Being secretive about the hurt you're feeling is understandable. A lot of people do not have good intentions. It's okay to open up to those you trust but be aware of their responses and reactions. Mad day is real, and when that day comes, if it comes, people love to exploit your business by throwing it in your face, as if you're not aware of the shit you go through in YOUR everyday life. Telling certain people you're okay when you aren't? As you should. Be as discrete and picky about who you let in as possible you can. It's no feeling like telling people your business just for them to actually not give AF.

Find That Group of People You Can Relate To

Another thing I learned over the years is that no matter what you're going through, you're never alone. Some people have it worst, while others have it the same as you. I found it to be easier to build bonds and relationships with people who go through similar things. Finding that group you can relate to enlightens your circumstances and make you feel as if there is someone out there who cares. Someone who isn't pretending. Finding that group might not be as easy, but it also might not be as difficult. Social media helps, but watch out for the weirdos. Community events help as well. There are ways you can improve your circumstances, and having that group of friends or just one friend can change everything for the better.

What Should You Do Individually

My way of feeling better is writing. I'd prefer to write what I am feeling rather than express those inner emotions to anyone. Remember, I am one of you. I don't necessarily like to tell people what it is I am battling because no one cares, and that is something we need to come to terms with as humans. Everyone has their problems, and not everyone has the mental capacity to take on others' problems and theirs. Some people simply don't know how to be there or give advice. While a lot of people just could care less. I suggest you do the inner work and understand why you're feeling what you feel and what can you do to make light of your circumstances. Also, find what you're good at or what you simply like to do and utilize it to the best of your ability. If you like to read, read. If you like to workout, workout. If you like to draw, draw. Whatever you like to do, do it. Find ways to release those thoughts. You may not want to open up to anybody about the "demons" you fight daily, or the negative thoughts that consume your mind, but open up to yourself. Be the most authentic with yourself. I know things may be hard for you, but trust me it gets better. It might not be today or tomorrow, but it does. If you are one of those people telling people you're good but deep down inside you aren't, I am here for you.

Shoot me an email and I'll show you I care. Until next time.


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